When it comes to street photography, you need to consider lots of things like people moving around, other particles that are surrounded by the subject. It is not simple to take great pictures of the street photography unless you are professionally trained.
# When you are starting to take photos on the street. Try to mingle with the crowd and don’t show yourself as a professional photographer. Dress up as if you belong to that place and then start taking photos. This will help you to take better shots without distracting anyone in the crowd.
# Don’t take the eye off the camera once you capture the picture. Continue looking for the snaps though you have taken some. As there will be many possibilities to take the creative images in the streets. Make sure that you don’t miss any kind of those pictures.
# Main technique that you should follow in the street photography is you should not go close to the subjects. Always take the photos from the long distance. The main reason behind this is that the subject is not aware that they are being captured and hence it will look more natural.
# Use the long lens to capture the subject. This will help you take the better shots from the long distances without getting near to the subject. Lenses matter a lot in the Street photography. Also, try capturing different reactions and the emotions of the people in the street, as there will be a lot to capture.
Thus street photography has lots of hidden tricks in it which one can get only after the repeated practice. Lots of experience is needed to explore skills in the field of street photography. Thus as a starter just get out and try your own stuff and learn the skills. You can gain knowledge in the photography field only by real field work and not by theoretical stuff.