Food Photography tips for beginners 

Nowadays Photography becomes a fascination for all. And particularly in food photography, capturing the mouth-watering pictures of foods become more highlighting. Focusing one portion or one part of the food is the effective way of taking snaps of food items.

The first important one is you should be more familiar with your camera and have the knowledge of settings and lighting’s to handle it on your own. Practicing on your own gives you a better experience with photography. So try to capture the best moments.

The article contains some useful tips for food photography beginners to guide them on how to handle the camera to capture better photos.

Fix Manual mode 

Don’t let the camera to automatic mode because food photography is all about planning and shooting the foods that you need to capture. Always use your camera in manual mode and take photographs of what you decide to avoid improper or incomplete results.

White balance 

White balance is nothing but one of the property of the image. Here you will find the camera to analyze what is true white. Most cameras have an auto white balance option but you don’t use it because the image will look different in every climate change. In that situation, it’s better to use a preset white balance or custom white balance.

tips for food photography


Lights are considered as the main source for food photography. Flashes are not only for dark environments you can switch to flash whenever you need some extra light. Even in the outdoor shoot, you have to use flash if extra light needs in a shaded area. some foods give better looks in dim light.

Some common  tips for food photographers

  • Take food photography as your daily routine
  • Read the entire manual for better understand about your camera and settings
  • Take some unplanned shots of your everyday foods
  • Know about your camera settings and editing tools
  • Have a research study about food photography
  • Try to attend  food photography workshops
  • Always pay attention to the images to be taken.
  • Take care about the background and shadows
  • Try to learn about editing skills that helps you to edit the image by your own
  • Don’t skip the best moments